Skagerak Kraft places high priority on helping to safeguard biodiversity in connection with our facilities within the scope of official requirements and guidelines such as licence requirements.
Skagerak Kraft continuously logs and monitors minimum flows and reservoir restrictions to protect freshwater life. We also adhere to self-imposed restrictions in certain watercourses that are more stringent than our license requirements. This contributes to better living conditions upstream and downstream of the power plants.
Skagerak Kraft releases fish every year to maintain fish populations in accordance with the license requirements. The number of fish released are reported annually in the group’s sustainability reports.
Skagerak Kraft places importance on facilitating natural re-vegetation in connection with the development and operation of our facilities. If active re-vegetation is needed, seeds of varieties indigenous to the location in question are used.
Red-listed species
The eel is a vulnerable species in connection with emigration in regulated rivers. We have procedures in place to accommodate the migratory patterns of the eel in the Kragerø watercourse, whereby eels are moved manually to and from the Toke reservoir.
When developing new power plants, we try to find solutions that maintain the best possible conditions for the eel’s upstream and downstream migration in the natural watercourse.
Some of Skagerak’s regulated watercourses have freshwater pearl mussel habitats, and these are safeguarded in accordance with the license requirements.
Black-listed species
Skagerak Kraft has implemented actions to combat lupins in all operation areas. This is coordinated with routine operational tasks for clear-ups in and along our watercourse facilities.