Skagerak Kraft AS

Skagerak Kraft is among the largest power producers in Norway. Each year, the company delivers about 5700 GWh of clean, renewable energy from 48 wholly or partially owned power plants.
Skagerak Kraft is among the largest power producers in Norway. Each year, the company delivers about 5700 GWh of clean, renewable energy from 48 wholly or partially owned power plants. This is equivalent to the consumption of 285,000 homes, and nearly 4.5 per cent of the total power production in the country.
New projects
The company is also currently working on several hydroelectric power projects that have been licensed or are awaiting licensing assessment by the authorities. If the research and development project Skagerak EnergiLab is realised in partnership with Skagerak Nett, Skagerak Kraft will also become a producer of solar energy.
Employees in several regions
Skagerak Kraft has employees in Valdres, Numedal, East and West Telemark, in addition to the Grenland region. The employees' hard work makes it possible for the production facilities to deliver clean energy to society.
In addition to its own power plants, Skagerak Kraft manages production assets at approx. 70 power plants across the country.
Skagerak Kraft is owned 100% by Skagerak Energi. Its headquarters are in Porsgrunn, Norway.