
Nape Power Plant is located in Fyresdal municipality, in the moors between Fyresdal and Nissedal valleys by the farm Austre Nape, and utilises a waterfall in the Sandsvassåi river.
The watercourse licence for Nape Power Plant was granted by the NVE on 30 June 2010. The power plant was commissioned for ordinary service in October 2013. The power plant utilises a 145-metre waterfall just below the lakes Sandvatn and Napetjern, before the water flows out into Napevatn, which is the main reservoir for Fjone Power Plant. About half of the water used in Nape Power Plant is pumped from Rolleivstadvatn lake.
The installed output is 2 MW from a Francis turbine. The gross annual production is 7.6 GWh. The mean flow in Sandvassåi river is 960 l/s, and a minimum flow of 30l/s is released throughout the whole year. The maximum flow rate of the power plant is 1,600 L/s. The penstock stretches 1,680 metres and consists of 900-mm GRP pipes, which are buried along the entire stretch. Skagerak’s operational personnel at Fjone are responsible for operation and maintenance of the power plant.
The owners are J.B. Ugland Fornybar Energi (landowner, 51%) and Skagerak Kraft AS (49%).