Impact assessment programme
he Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) has set in place a final impact assessment programme for the Sauland Power Plant plans. The final reports are scheduled to be completed by 15 October 2017.
According to the assessment programme, the NVE has decided that assessments are to be carried out in the late summer/early autumn of 2008, with the aim of outlining impacts and considering mitigation measures for the Sauland Power Plant plans. The assessments will include hydrology, landscape and cultural environment, cultural history, natural environment and biological diversity, natural resources and society.
The entire impact assessment programme can be found here (PDF version):
Final impact assessment programme – cover letter. (PDF, 89KB)
Final impact assessment programme – background for the assessment programme that has been decided upon. (PDF, 900KB)
Final impact assessment programme – the assessment programme that has been decided upon. (PDF, 251KB)