The NVE's recommendation
The NVE's recommendation – Application from Sauland kraftverk AS for a licence to develop Sauland Power plant in Hjartdal and Notodden municipalities, issued on 13 February 2014.
The NVE’s recommendation:
The NVE's recommendation – Application from Sauland kraftverk AS for a licence to develop Sauland Power plant in Hjartdal and Notodden municipalities (PDF, 8MB)
Proposed licence conditions pursuant to the Norwegian Water Resources Act Section 8 for Sauland Power Plant. (PDF, 31KB) (PDF, 33KB)
Proposed conditions for permission for Sauland kraftverk AS to acquire the necessary fall rights. (PDF, 31KB)
Proposed operating rules for the development of Sauland Power Plant. (PDF, 18KB)
Revised development solution for Sauland Power Plant – Cover letter dated 19 September 2014 (PDF, 7MB)
Map of Sauland Power Plant 2014 - Revised development solution (PDF, 2MB)
General report for Sauland Power Plant – Environmental assessments 17 September 2014 (PDF, 4MB)